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Welcome to the Keith Bowen Bassoon Workshop. Information regarding my bassoon maintenance, re-padding, repair, customization and restoration services are hyperlinked below, as well as videos and documents regarding shipping your bassoon and other items of interest.

To make an appointment, please send me an email. Prices listed on this site are estimated based on $90/hour for labor, plus costs of parts and materials, some of which fluctuate with the market. Tuning and voicing is $105/hour.


Work is done by appointment only. At times, available appointments are months away; thus, missed appointments may be rescheduled only while considering the needs of others on my appointment calendar.


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I have written detailed guidelines for the safe packing & shipping of your bassoon to my repair shop. Please review these critical instructions here.

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1. Keith Bowen Working on Bassoons - What I do in my shop (video)

2. Emergency Whisper Key Replacement - What to do in a crisis! (video)


3. Swabbing your Bassoon - Bob Williams demonstrates (video)

4. Hints for Teaching Bassoon from a Bassoon Technician


5. About Ivory Bell Rings - Critical info for International Travel 

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